CEF Blue Ridge Chapter, PO Box 425, Elkin NC 28621 cefblueridge@gmail.com 336-530-4361

Mission – History – Purpose

Child Evangelism Fellowship of North Carolina, INC.

Blue Ridge Chapter


In March of 2011, the ministry of Child Evangelism Fellowship of North Carolina, Inc., Blue Ridge Chapter became a reality with the formation of this chapter in six counties that did not have a CEF presence. That first year we began with eight individuals on the committee that had a burden for our children, their families and in strengthening our local churches. Working with local churches, we held 3 Good News Clubs with 13 volunteers, ministering to 67 children and witnessed 17 children that accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. Each year we continue to be blessed with growth and the challenges it brings; yet God has always provided through His people the needed resources as He open many doors. As we look back, the ministries of CEF Blue Ridge, working with local churches, has reached 6,497 children with the Gospel and 488 of them have accepted Jesus Christ! We have held 90 adult training sessions with 1,160 in attendance and have grown from 13 volunteers to 389. Yet, there are so many more to reach! In our six-county area we have 37 schools that need an afterschool Bible Club.  We still have a long way to go!


Many of the children you see around you each day will never hear of the message that their sins can be forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ unless we undertake to reach them. This is the vision of Child Evangelism Fellowship of North Carolina, Inc., Blue Ridge Chapter, and this is our mission.  Our core responsibilities to achieving this mission are:

  • Evangelize lost children.
  • Establish the children in a local church.
  • Disciple them in the word of God.
  • Enable local churches to do the same through training.

These dreams are being fulfilled because they are inspired by God and carried out through His people!